I am truly excited about this new project being launched for some amazing and deserving people of the oceanside community of Anse La Raye located here on the island of Saint Lucia. This majestic place is breathtaking. The weather is perfect every day-even when it rains. But more important than the inviting sandy beaches, unique sea turtles that make their way on shore every season or the enormous selection of coral reefs and colorful fishes are the beautiful people. And boy do I mean Beautiful! The soul of this community is seen throughout. Their willingness to share is incredible. Even with the small amount they have-there's never a thought of not being their "brothers' keepers".
I was blessed to have been inducted into the Anse La Raye Community of Families. What an honor! Never have I seen children so happy. Families that go out of their way to ensure you are treated with respect and honor. Their ability to transfer that happiness to others is remarkable. So much so that I wanted to create a way to not only reciprocate the happiness, respect and honor they were sharing with me. What better way to show someone that you Love them by giving of yourself...your time...and your resources, right?
So with this being said, I am asking for your support as I raise funds and awareness to such a worthy group of People. I've attached a copy of my GoFundMe link to this post in hopes that you would consider assisting me (us). Now please know this...any amount that you give will help provide the basic necessities needed. Should you not be able to give at this time, your Prayers towards us will most definitely be appreciated.
And from all of the many children, women, and men of Anse La Raye-Saint Lucia THANK YOU for what I'm sure will be one of the most productive and beneficial fundraising campaigns launched.
Ooopppps...here's the link <div class="gfm-embed" data-url="https://www.gofundme.com/f/revitalizing-and-rebuilding-anse-la-rayest-lucia/widget/large?sharesheet=coachingTip"></div><script defer src="https://www.gofundme.com/static/js/embed.js"></script>