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Kingdom Principle For Today: Who Have You Been Listening To?

Writer's picture: Tongie ScottTongie Scott

This episode of the show deals with our inability, at times, to hear the correct voice when making life choices. Oftentimes, we hear (or listen to) those who are not doing anything with their own gifts, talents, or skillsets. This can cause a world of confusion for us and the inability to move forward with our destinies. It's only when we establish a relationship with God, take time for prayer, and study and read the Word of God that our lives begin to know what is true. When we stop to study and diligently search for God's voice, we can begin to live a life that is filled with His peace and guidance.


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Kingdom Principle For Today: Who Have You Been Listening To?

3 Keys To Help You Hear The Voice Of God

Welcome to the Dr. Tongie Show. You're on the air with your girl, Dr. Tongie. We're broadcasting live from the beautiful country of St. Lucia, located right here in the Caribbean. I like to start the show by saying thank you to everyone that literally shows up. You do and you show up in numbers. I'm grateful. I never want you to think that I take your presence with me lightly or for granted. I do not. I know that there are countless shows that you could be tuning into and watching by way of Facebook and Instagram, but you tune into me for just a few minutes of your day and I'm grateful for that.

Of course, thank you to everyone who said, "We can bring this show back again for part two, round two, and another season of The Dr. Tongie Show. You know who you are. You're countless in numbers, I am grateful for you. There's a guy that regularly does not tell his age, but he has been on the ones and twos for a minute. He's doing something phenomenal this week and last week. He was literally in two stations at the same time. You know him as Marlon. I know him as my gentle giant. Good morning, Marlon.

Good morning, Dr. Tongie. I'm like, "Who does that?"

I know, right? You're so good at what you do. Folks pull from you. I'm so grateful that you show up. Thank you.

It's what I do. If you love what you do, it's never a problem. I always tell you that. It never feels like work if you love what you're doing.

DTS 1 | Voice Of God

You make me feel like I'm not bothering you.

Not at all. Sometimes it's probably the most brick I get. When you do this, I probably get to sit and chill. I just relax and watch you do your thing.

You do, until I pull you into the show.


Thank you so very much.

It's always a pleasure to be here with you.

Thank you, sir. If this is your very first time here or perhaps you've tuned in 200 times and you're wondering what is this show about. This show is literally about encouraging you. It's about inspiring you. It's about motivating you right where you are to get busy and to get into your purpose. It's about holding you accountable. Once you know the truth, it makes you free. It's a show that's founded on kingdom principles. For all of those who may not know what a kingdom is, this is God's invisible government. It is His way of doing things. It's packed with his morality, lifestyle, principles, and laws. It's how we govern ourselves down here on the earth where we have a domain. It's bringing heaven to earth.

When you think about a principle, I want you to think about the original intent of God's word. When I talk about the constitution, I'm merely talking about our Bible, where we get to go in, study, read, and apply those principles to our lives so that you too can have fruit. You can grow, mature, and live the life that you're destined to live. What can you expect from the show? Once upon a time, I started this system called the HOS. It stands for Honesty, Openness, and Sincerity. You'll never get my opinion when I'm talking kingdom principles, because my opinion and your opinion do not matter in His kingdom. It is the king's opinion that matters.

My opinion and your opinion do not matter in His kingdom. It is the King's opinion that matters.

I want you to do a huge solid for me, and I'm telling my age there. Would you check me out on all social media platforms? That's Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Again, I'm telling my age here, my handle is @DrTongieShow. Drop a line or two. I'm grateful for those who tune in and they do drop a line. People like Lucinda Ferdinand. I swear to you, Lucinda, I've sent the paperwork. People like Christine Q, who send me beautiful messages of hope. Annette Stevenson, all the way from Atlanta, Georgia, who mentions me in her prayers. I am grateful and I do not take it for granted. Wanda Turner, Debra Guinn, and Bobby Toms. I could go on and on, but you get the drift.

To be engaged with the show, it's a number that you can dial into or you can use your fingers on WhatsApp. I was asking my gentle giant, "What's that number again?" 450-5477 is the number. For those who want an intimate engagement after the show, (470) 534-2216 is that number. I happened to look down and someone had written a beautiful message and said, "Thank you for being the change." I'm like, "How dare you make me cry this morning? Do you know how long it took me to put this makeup on?"

I've got a kingdom message that beckons you to pay attention because it came to teach me also a lesson. It's a question, "Who have you been listening to?" I'm listening. I'm watching. I swear to you I am, but these feats are about to get happen. "Who have you been listening to?" When that message came to me, I had to stop in my tracks because it's so easy to get bombarded listening to other folk or listening to things and situations. I say listen because there are times when you're listening to those things. There will be people in your life who are not doing anything with their talents, gifts, and skillset, but will offer you their opinion of what you should be doing with your talents, gifts, and skillsets.

Once upon a time, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be doing with my life.

Growing up in a small town in Mississippi, I knew I was destined for greatness, but I didn't know what that looked like for me and how to deploy myself to my purpose. Imagine if you will. You're going through life confused, perplexed, disheveled, and double-minded. That was me. I was waiting on Superman to save me. I was waiting for someone to give me what I thought I needed from them, and their opinion on what they believed God would have me to do and be.

For many years, I was a drifter. I'd go from one job to the next job, and from one chosen field to the next, thinking I was supposed to do this or that because of what someone told me they believed God would have me to do. Here's a side note from my mommies, daddies, and grandparents. Please know this. You've got the ability to help your child, children, and grandchildren with their destinies by seeking God's guidance.

Ask Him before the children even come and before the grandchildren are even conceived, especially, after their arrival, because children are a gift, "Lord, what do you want them to do and to be? How can they serve you, the body of Christ, and the world?"

When you ask Him that, you got to expect Him to give you answers that are mind-blowing, and the fearless courage to indeed help that child or children or grandchild accomplish unimaginable feats. If you found yourself going from one job to the next, choosing a career that has absolutely nothing to do with your destiny, nor the purpose for which you were created, listening to people rather than listening to God, this kingdom principle, "Who are you listening to?" was designed especially for you.

There is something about involving God in your life. In a world where social media made it all so important to be an influencer or to be an expert in the field that this is what God would have you do. It's knowing that you can have a relationship with Him. He'll tell you exactly what your purpose is and what your destiny is. Written in our constitution, I told you it's our Bible, our big brother and savior Jesus speaks in John 10:3-5 about him being the shepherd and us being sheep, and how we know his voice. What's so amazing about that particular passage is he didn't say we can hear it. He said we know it.

DTS 1 | Voice Of God
Voice Of God: You can have a relationship with God, and He will tell you exactly what your purpose is and what your destiny is.

In Isaiah 30:21, I'm going to paraphrase here, "Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it.’" Jeremiah 33:3, "Call to me and I will answer, and we'll tell you great and hidden things that you have not known." He's talking to us. Of course John 10:27, for those that say, "That's the Old Testament." I'll give you some news, "My sheep hear my voice. I know them and they follow me." Throughout scripture, Romans 8:14, Hebrews 2:1, and Hebrews 3:15, "Today, if you hear my voice, do not harden your heart and hear not like those in rebellion." There are so many passages that speak on the voice of God, literally over 100 of them that speak on this.

Here's what I've learned. The more I spend time with my daddy, the more my ears, my heart, and my mind are trained to hear his voice. I've discovered that I cannot listen to everyone else, not even the noise that's in my own head, and expect to hear him clearly. I can't do it. This takes discipline. It's moving from those habits that keep me so busy. You can do a good thing and it's a good thing, but it can keep you so busy that you forget to sit and be still in this life, even serving other folk with your gifts. I love serving with your talents and your skillsets. It'll require you to sit more for those who are serving, even the more you got to sit and listen for His voice, and do according to what he is requesting of you.

I've got three keys that'll help you. We're going to open up the phone lines 450-5477. If you're going to do it by way of your fingers, WhatsApp, 450-5477. Key number one. To hear the voice of God, establish a relationship with him where you're so dependent on him. You're like a child. You know and you confess, "I can't do nothing without You. Outside of You, God, there is no me."

When you establish that relationship, don't make the mistake that I made. I thought establishing the relationship and praying. I just sit back and do nothing. I was lazy. I wanted God to bless me and answer me the way I thought he would. I wanted him to break the sky, but it doesn't work that way when I ask him to please come into my life. I confess that He is the owner. He's Lord. I don't know why You created me, but I need to know. I've got to have the ability because I know I have the capacity to do, then I had to learn how to wait in Him while I was waiting on Him.

Key number two, take time for prayer. We hear that a lot. I even taught this prayer to my children. "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep." You know how it goes. Prayer is not you doing all of the talking. It's written in Luke 18:1. Men are to always pray and not faint. This prayer is a two-way street. Imagine if you will. You've got this friend. Let's say they're one of your best friends and you love speaking with that person. You just love speaking. You can't wait to speak to them.

You get excited because you know that iron is going to sharpen iron. You're going to glean from the person. What if you noticed that your friend was doing all the talking? They talked and talked and wouldn't let you get a word in edgewise. They just keep talking. What kind of relationship is that? It’s the same thing in prayer. It's a two-way street. You pray and He listens. He speaks and you listen.

DTS 1 | Voice Of God

Key number three is to take time to read and study His word. That's 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Psalms 1:19 and 105, "Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path." What I've learned in this walk is it's not an easy walk, but it's a walk nonetheless. He has in his word hidden things for us that are so vast that it would blow your mind if you take the time to study and to read. If you truly want to live a life successfully, get in His word and he'll show you things that you will question, "Why did I make my life so difficult? Why was I trying to figure things out when all I had to do was sit down and read His word and study it?" What He does is he hides those secret things in plain sight for us. It is a power to reading his word daily.

I'm going to ask you again. Who are you listening to? Should you find yourself listening to someone or something that cannot tell you why you are created, what you are destined to become, and the capacity of your potential within you, then you're listening to the wrong voice. That's the truth. 450-5477 to make a contribution. Whose voice are you listening to? (470) 534-2216 after the show. I need you to know that no matter where you may find yourself, he hears. I'm a living witness to that.

This did not come overnight. I used to tell folk that I don't wear miniskirts because my knees are so black because I stay on them constantly. I'm wearing them now because you get older. I don't know. You just regress. I'm doing things that I didn't get a chance to do when I was younger. The children are adults now, so I'm living and embracing who I am. It's a wonderful journey and I would encourage you to do the same, 450-5477 to make your request known. Whose voice are you listening to is today's kingdom principle?

I hope we get a few people to send in a message to at least see what it is they've got on their minds. We have a message here from someone who said, "Shout out from England. I feel privileged to be receiving knowledge and wisdom from Tongie. Keep up the good work and God bless you." That's an England audience.

Thank you. How about that?

You should send a message, I guess.

To God be the glory. You got me smiling, if you could see my smile. Thank you so very much. This is what the show is about. For people around the world to get engaged and to know that we got this and he got us. Thank you, England. How cool is that?

Yeah, definitely.

You know I'm going to get you. Have you ever found yourself listening to other people rather than putting in the work so that you can hear from God?

Definitely. That happened countless times. Sometimes we don't realize that we're not listening to the right voice. We listen to what others have to say rather than listen to the word of God. Hi. Good morning.

Good morning.

Sorry about that. Good morning, Dr. Tongie and Marlon. There are times you're in a situation and there are so many voices around you. You don't know which one to listen to. There are times you have to get out of that particular place of that room, and then you can hear the voice of the almighty talking to you.

Sounds like a person that knows what she's talking about.

Miss Barbara here.

Miss Barbara, thank you so very much for your contribution. You're right. Just moving away so you can hear.

Thank you very much.

Thank you. Bye.

I can agree with what she says.


You just have to get out. You're hearing so many different voices. Maybe you might get caught listening to the wrong thing.

I know. I've been there.

Maybe you just need to go and have a word.

My mama used to say, "Just steal away." Steal away. It makes a world of difference to know that you may fall, trip, and stumble, but I read in my constitution that even if you do that, you can get right back up, dust yourself off, and get back into life again. How many times have I done that? It's like the older you get, the more you're like, "You're teaching me to number my days here, so I don't have time to be messing up." I can't do in my 50s what my 25-year-old self did. Who has time for that?

You mentioned falling and getting back up. That's why from the time you know you want to go ahead and try. That way, you may stumble many times but that is only a sign that you can go and continue. You get up and try again. Maybe you might reach that point where you finally got it right.

You will if you do not quit. You sound like somebody who knows what he's talking about.

Let me tell you. You don't want to start trying at my age. You don't want to fall down at my age. You want to start trying while you can. Maybe when you get to be here, you're like, "I get it now."

I remember I love starting businesses. I'll start it. I'm telling you. I'll go get the business license, the insurance, and whatever it takes. I started this Recuperative Care. It's a facility in Los Angeles that's a nana house. It was for people who were homeless and experiencing being unhoused. It wasn't a medical facility, but it was just a facility where insurance companies could not dump their patients on us, but have a place to know that once that patient is discharged, he or she didn't have to go back under that $64 million bridge.

I was so excited to start this thing. You could not have told me, I am in the way of the Lord, but sometimes we can be in the way of Him, but we can get in our way when we start it too soon. That's where we were. I was starting it too soon. I had the best of intentions. It was fun. It was exciting to know that I was serving, but it was a bit too soon. After a few months, I said, "I've done what I'm supposed to do. We've housed a few unhoused folks.” It wasn't that I wasn't where I was supposed to be. It was just that I was a bit too soon because the need is still there.

DTS 1 | Voice Of God
Voice Of God: Sometimes we can be in the way of God, but sometimes we can also get in our own way.

Los Angeles has one of the highest proportions of people that have been unhoused and are experiencing homelessness. I know that for certainty because I was one of them. I know what it feels like to live from hotel to hotel. You still got to show up and you still got to tell someone about the goodness of God. It wasn't God teaching me a lesson. It was me not managing my finances. You got to put a budget in place. That's one of those things that you'll find out when you're studying. You read that a man can't build a house without first taking the necessary steps to know that he can build and start it, but he got to finish it, so, ouch.

When you say this to people who are tuning in to you, they know that they may stumble along the way. It's not going to be easy. It’s the fact that it's a teaching moment as well because how did you realize that you started too soon? How do you do that? It's only because of that little bit of a bump on the road that you realize what the error is. That way, you will be able to fix it and move along.

One thing I've learned is that no matter how many times I fall, I swear to you, I have to get back up. I've got people that depend on me. I've got a God that says, "You got this." He didn't say I wouldn't go through anything. He just says he'd never leave me when I go through it. Even those hardships that I've placed on myself. Wisdom is everything. I would tell anybody, "Get wisdom and get understanding."

No matter how many times I fall, I have to get back up. I've got people that depend on me. I've got a God that says, “You got this.”

If you don't get anything else, get that understanding so you'll know how to apply it to your life. Should you find yourself in that position, get up and know that He's not going to leave my soul in hell. That was my battle cry last week. I'm like, "Daddy, you promised you're not going to leave me here.” There's some light at the end of the tunnel. It's still a little shaky, but He's everything. I got to trust Him even when I can't trace Him. That's for anyone.

450-5477, make your request known. Make your contributions known and just know that you're not in this thing called life by yourself. Whatever it is that you know you were born to do, get your plan ready. Write it down and make it make sense. Even if it doesn't make sense, write it down anyway. Lift it to Him. Allow him To break it because He's going to, and then he'll give it back to you. It'll be better than what you could've ever imagined. He'll send people too. People that'll fund those ideas. People that will lift you up and give you that encouraging word when you have come to the end of your faith. You'll need them folks that hold your ladder.

450-5477. I think we've got about a minute left. If you have something to say and you don't want it to be read online or on the air, I get it, (470) 534-2216 is that number. I am working through it. I promise you, I am. I'm truly grateful for each and every one of you that take out time to tune in. This is about us and we're going to do life together. 450-5477, 20 seconds left.

Thank you so very much for all that you do. Thank you for making my dreams come true. I know that I could never do a show like this without you. Thank you very much. Live the life that you're supposed to be living. Do not quit on yourself. Be patient and be kind. God hears and he cares. I love you. I really do. The Lord said the same, "The creek don't rise." We're going to do this thing again called life right here and on Hot7 TV, Wednesday, our visual portion of the show. Thank you. Goodbye.

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